Manpower Outsourcing Services For Oil And Gas In UAE

Manpower Outsourcing Services For Oil And Gas In UAE

The most significant industries that depend on the UAE economy are oil and gas, laboring about 30% to the GDP. One would know that the UAE is the biggest producer of oil and gas, and this field is also growing by leaps and bounds, so is the demand for a larger number of professionals in this very field. The oil and gas industry embraces its technical and non-technical work, from the highly skilled involved in the exploration and production to the transportation and refining of crude oil and natural gas. As an example, this industry directly creates 100,000 jobs in the UAE. In the UAE, for example, about 30- 40% of the entire oil and gas sector workforce is outsourced. It comprises personnel ranging from engineers to technicians and support staff.

This is despite the fact that the oil and gas sector is dynamic and, to a great extent, continually expanding; the organizations of the UAE are encountering overwhelming challenges in hiring and retention of the kind of human resources required. The right staff with upgraded skills and expertise is of prime significance in this area, as it will ensure that businesses grow therefore meeting the targets for competitiveness needed within industry sectors. Not to worry, though; the premier manpower outsourcing service in the oil and gas industry in UAE is here. Therefore, companies that outsource this way in the UAE’s oil and gas industry can save up to 20-30%. Overhead costs in HR go down to an almost similar extent by a further 15% since recruitment, pay, and compliance are taken care of through external agencies.

It is a lengthy and labor-intensive exercise only because half the manpower to be employed is highly skilled. But with proper consultancy—The GET Global Group, for instance—one can always take the commitment to offer nothing but world-class equipment and services to our ever-growing customer base. They provide the UAE oil and gas industry with verified, well-experienced labor and services. They aim to satisfy the customer’s expectations with cost-effective and quality outcomes. What else is required to be taken care of while contracting or associating with them? Let’s explore more of this through the blog. To start with, it is quite big.

Exploring the Different Manpower Outsourcing Services for the Oil and Gas Industry in the UAE

In the dynamic oil and gas industry in the UAE, manpower outsourcing services play a pivotal role in ensuring smooth operations and meeting the industry’s diverse needs. Let’s explore the various workforce outsourcing services essential for sustaining and enhancing productivity in this sector.

  • Skilled Labor Provision: The oil and gas industry demands a highly skilled workforce to handle various tasks ranging from drilling operations to equipment maintenance. Manpower outsourcing companies in the UAE provide skilled labor, such as engineers, technicians, welders, and mechanics proficient in industry-specific technologies and processes.
  • Project-Based Staffing Solutions: Manpower outsourcing services offer project-based staffing solutions, enabling companies to swiftly scale up their workforce according to project requirements without the hassle of long-term commitments, a flexibility that has proven to be a game-changer in the industry. About 60% of the workforce is hired on a project basis.
  • HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) Personnel: Safety is paramount in the oil and gas industry due to the high-risk nature of operations. Manpower outsourcing agencies provide HSE personnel with the expertise to enforce safety protocols, conduct risk assessments, and ensure compliance with local regulations, thereby minimizing accidents and promoting a safety culture.
  • Administrative and Support Staff: Behind the scenes, administrative and support staff play a crucial role in facilitating day-to-day operations. Manpower outsourcing services cater to the administrative needs of oil and gas companies by providing personnel for roles such as HR management, accounting, logistics coordination, and procurement, ensuring the smooth functioning of operations.
  • Specialized Technical Services: Certain specialized tasks require niche skills and expertise in the oil and gas industry. Manpower outsourcing firms offer access to specialized technical services such as well testing, pipeline inspection, reservoir engineering, and geophysical surveying, leveraging the proficiency of experienced professionals in these domains. While these services can be costly, they often prove to be a wise investment in ensuring the quality and efficiency of operations. To provide a qualified workforce, 90% of outsourcing agencies use advanced digital platforms to improve their efficiency
  • Manpower Training and Development: Keeping pace with technological advancements and industry trends is essential for maintaining competitiveness. Manpower outsourcing services extend beyond recruitment that includes training and development programs tailored to the oil and gas sector’s specific needs, enhancing the existing workforce’s skills and ensuring adaptability to evolving industry requirements. Well, manpower outsourcing agencies for oil and gas in the UAE invest an average of AED 50 million annually in training programs to ensure that the workforce is up-to-date with the latest industry standards and technologies. They undergo rigorous safety training, about 120 hours per person annually. Out of them, 85% get industry-recognized certifications.
  • Consultancy Services: In addition to manpower provision, outsourcing firms in the UAE offer consultancy services to oil and gas companies. They provide expert advice on workforce planning, talent acquisition strategies, labor law compliance, and human resource management practices optimization, thereby empowering companies to make informed decisions for sustainable growth.

How to Find the Perfect Manpower Outsourcing Services for the Oil and Gas Industry in UAE?

Offshore services in the outsourcing of manpower are very significant and crucial for the smooth running of projects in the fast-paced world of oil and gas. An excellent outsourcing partner could be a game changer for people in the field. But how many from such an incredible number of options in hand would actually turn out to be the best fit for you? Let’s discuss it in the easiest terms.

  • Know Your Needs: Before one plunges into the sea of outsourcing companies, they need to have a clear view of their requirements. Do you need highly specialized technical skills or a workforce for a short-term purpose, or will this be a long-term strategic partnership? Knowing your needs will help you eliminate your options.
  • Research: Once you are sure of what you are looking for, it’s the right time to hit the books. Look for an outsourcing company that has experience in the servicing of the oil and gas industry, specifically within the UAE area. Check their record, client testimonials, and industry reputation. Do not shy from asking them for references or case studies, which help in better gauging of the capabilities.
  • Value their Expertise: Oil and gas tend to be very technical. Approach the process of sourcing with a focus on partners—companies with a lot of expertise in your industry. Seek a partner with an understanding of complexities that your industry represents in drilling, exploration, production, or logistics.
  • Quality Over Cost: While cost is important, don’t let it be the foundation of your decision. Remember you mostly get what you pay for. Instead of selecting the cheapest, land a partner that delivers quality, ensuring you will get the best value for your money. Paying that extra cost which will occur from a reputable outsourcing organization will pay off in the long run, as you will master expertise and gain in reliability.
  • Review Flexibility and Scalability: Oil and gas is a rapid industry, and as such flexibility and scalability are critical decision factors. Always opt for a partner who can shapeshift with your changing needs and scale up and down as and when required. Be it requirements to scale up your workforce on the requirements of a new project or in a lean period downsize, thereby reducing your manpower. Your outsourcing partner should be able to do this with ease.
  • Look into Cultural Fit: Last but not least, reflect on the cultural fit between your firm and the provider’s company. Communication is one of the most important factors for successful cooperation. In that regard, it would be wise to choose a partner with similar values, work ethics, and a communication style. A strong bond and mutual respect will ensure smooth sailing in the long term.

Key Considerations for Choosing Manpower Outsourcing Services for Oil and Gas in UAE

Selecting the best manpower outsourcing services in the oil and gas industry is more than just a formality; it’s about choosing a partner who understands the intricacies of this industry. Consider it like choosing a teammate for a challenging project: you want someone who knows and plays the game well. A top-tier consultant does more than just fill the vacancies. They are the ones who understand your project’s unique requirements and tailor their talent search accordingly. It’s about bringing value to your projects by ensuring that each individual they bring on board is a good fit for the work and a perfect fit for your vision and goals. In a dynamic and demanding business like oil and gas, having the right people is crucial for success.  

Industry Experience

It is critical to evaluate the experience of an oil and gas workforce services provider. It is essential to study their previous achievements and involvement in the industry. Look at their project history; what roles have they played in previous oil and gas projects? This investigation provides crucial details about their abilities and versatility in this challenging field. 

Client testimonials are equally informative. They provide insight into the consultancy’s reliability and performance from those with firsthand experience with its services. A consultancy with a proven track record in navigating the oil and gas business is more likely to understand and meet your specific goals, ensuring a more efficient approach to your labor requirements.

A Range of Services

A top-tier manpower outsourcing service for the oil and gas industry stands out for its extensive range of services. It is not enough to have a big list of services; it is also important to consider how these services will meet your project’s specific requirements. They cover all bases, from recruiting the best candidates to providing full project support. This adaptability is essential. 

Whether you require a highly specialized individual or a full team, the consultancy should be adept at tailoring our services to your project’s unique requirements. They should pride themselves on our ability to adapt  and align our abilities and resources to their project needs. This approach ensures that you receive exactly what you need when you need it, contributing to the efficiency and success of your project.  

Talent Acquisition

The recruitment procedure employed by an oil and gas manpower consultant is a significant indication of its quality. It’s not just about collecting resumes; it’s about finding the best fit for your specific requirements. The secret is in how they source talent. Are they using the appropriate networks and communities to identify the best candidates? 

Then there’s the screening procedure, which acts as a quality filter to ensure that only the top candidates move ahead. You’re looking for a consultancy that has a large talent pool full of skilled specialists. Their screening procedures should be thorough and meticulous to ensure that the candidates they provide are qualified and the greatest fit for your project’s specific requirements.

Technology and Innovation

Technology and innovation are game changers in the field of oil and gas workforce consultancy. When considering a consultant, look closely at how they use technology to help things run more smoothly and efficiently. Are they using the latest digital channels to screen candidates? This is not simply about being high-tech; it’s about leveraging these tools to improve accuracy and efficiency in finding the best fit for your project. 

Also, investigate how they employ technology to manage projects. Technology-driven project management systems can greatly improve process efficiency and communication. A technology-savvy consultancy keeps up with the times and gives a wiser, more effective way to manage your manpower requirements. Integrating technology into their services can have a significant impact.

Cost and Value

When working with oil and gas manpower outsourcing services in the UAE, it is critical to find the proper balance between cost and value. Keeping an eye on the budget is essential, but it’s not just about selecting the cheapest option. Look into their pricing structure. Is it worth paying for? Often, paying a little in advance might be a wise decision if it results in higher quality and more efficient service. Consider the long game here. 

A consultant that appears to be more expensive at first may really save you money due to efficiency, quality, and reliability. Also, consider fostering a long-term partnership. A long-term engagement with a consultancy that regularly produces value can be a significant asset, providing continuous improvement and adaptability to your evolving project.  

Empower Your Team With The Best Manpower Outsourcing Services for Oil and Gas in the UAE

The UAE oil and gas industry to a great extent depends on oil and gas manpower outsourcing services. The companies operating in this industry require a trained and experienced workforce to provide their services effectively and efficiently. Treasure in the manpower outsourcing organization is the aspect of putting the right worker in the right place. Services in the offering include sourcing, recruitment, and management of employees in the most numerous industry positions, from riggers to drill machine operators.

Benefits of Manpower Outsourcing in the UAE Oil and Gas Sector

GET Global Group has been supporting manpower to Oil and Gas companies for the past so many years in UAE. Thus, we know the needs of the oil and gas business and try to provide the best quality staff.

  • Efficiency: Our office deals with the oil and gas industry, and the process of candidate discovery is faster due to streamlining the process as opposed to other companies operating in the same sector.
  • Reach: We provide human resources throughout the world, where each country’s resources are available in ample numbers.
  • Quality Workforce: Offering competent human resources to the Oil and Gas sector across GET Global Group. Skilled and motivated professionals committed to working offshore in the deserts, snowfields, and mountains for the leading oil and gas companies in UAE.
  • Price: Our services are the best in the most affordable part. Why should an oil and gas company spend most of its dollars in the pre-hiring procedure when it can delegate this duty to a dedicated oil and gas workforce supply firm?.

The GET Global Group, the leading manpower outsourcing services for oil and gas in the UAE is equipped with a long list of qualified professionals. We follow a comprehensive approach before suggesting anyone. Our team thoroughly evaluates the skills and background of each candidate to understand them better. This way, we can analyze whether they can handle complex project challenges.

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