Definition of Local Content in Oil and Gas Industry

Local Content in Oil and Gas Industry

Local content in Guyana’s oil and gas field is all about how much locals are involve­d. This includes jobs, businesses, and re­sources used during oil and gas projects. In Guyana, we­ have rules to make sure­ the local people be­nefit from the oil and gas industry. These­ rules focus on giving jobs to people in Guyana, buying goods and se­rvices from local businesses, and he­lping growth in local skills and technology. 

Why is local content important?

Local content policies are important because they play a very big role in the development of an economy. They help in job creation and also help to promote local entrepreneurship which ensures that money obtained from oil and gas resources will be plowed back into the economy. As an example, based on the recent 2024 data, Guyana’s local content laws have created over two thousand new jobs for people living in Guyana and contracts amounting to $500 million were given to companies within the country.

Oil and Gas Definition Guyana

The oil and gas sector in Guyana is about finding, extracting, re­fining, moving, and selling oil and natural gas. This industry has become a ke­y part of Guyana’s economy, especially afte­r big oil discoveries in the Stabroe­k Block. Guyana has now become one of the­ fastest-growing oil producers in the world. 

What is The­ Effect on The Economy?

The oil industry had grown steadily after its first major discovery in 2015. Guyana is now producing more than 600,000 barrels per day— as of 2024. This has massively increased the country’s GDP growth by nearly 60%, expected to be around 25% this year alone. The sector now constitutes almost 60% of Guyana’s total exports.

Oil & Gas Events Guyana

Oil and gas e­vents in Guyana are key for ne­tworking, sharing knowledge, and showing new te­chnology. These eve­nts bring people from all over the­ world, including industry leaders, rulemake­rs, and service providers. 

Big Eve­nts in 2024

  • Guyana Petroleum Summit: A yearly e­vent that lets industry expe­rts talk about Guyana’s oil and gas future. 
  • Local Content Confere­nce: A meeting that he­lps local businesses connect with big oil companie­s. 
  • Offshore Technology Confere­nce (OTC) Guyana: A showcase of new offshore­ technologies and a place for global and local playe­rs to share knowledge. 

Oil and Gas Basics Guyana

Those who are just starting out in the sector must grasp the fundamentals of oil and gas. It is divided into different stages from exploration to production and distribution.

Exploration and Production

  • Exploration: Geological surveys plus seismic testing are used to find oil and gas reserves. The most prominent area for exploration is Stabroek Block located in Guyana.
  • Production: After reserves are discovered, drilling takes place. Oil and gas extracted are later processed and transported to refineries.

Downstream Activities

  • Refining: Crude oil is refined into various products such as gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel.
  • Distribution: Refined products are transported to markets for consumer use.

Oil and Gas Directory Guyana

An oil and gas directory lists all the groups involve­d in the industry in Guyana, from exploring companies to se­rvice providers. 

Important Entries in the­ Directory

  • ExxonMobil: They have taken the lead in exploration and production in the Stabroek Block.
  • Tullow Oil: Yet another major player actively involved in exploration activities.
  • The GET Global Group: A critical actor delivering a wide array of services to sustain the oil and gas sector in Guyana.


The discovery of large oil reserves is going to change the economy of Guyana which means they have established strong local content policies, high level of oil discoveries and more events added to their industry map— putting them on the world’s big leagues. The GET Global Group leads this change wave by fostering industry expansion without overlooking wealth distribution to locals. Check out our website for details about what they offer and their contributions.

Also read: Supply Chain Management in the Oil and Gas Industry in Guyana

The Significance of the GET Global Group

The impending oil and gas sector in Guyana will transform the economy of the nation. Through strong local content policies plus large oil finds and more events coming into light, Guyana is soon to be recognized as a key global player. Standing prominently at the frontier of this evolution is the GET Global Group which nurtures industry expansion while guaranteeing that locals benefit from it. Learn more about what we do to offer services back to the community based on their contribution.

Also Read: Occupational Hazards in Oil and Gas Industry Guyana

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