Natural Gas Industry Training: Preparing the Future Generation of Workers

The natural gas sector constitutes an important element in the international energy sector. It offers cleaner options for other fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, hence it is very instrumental in the world’s transition into cleaner forms of energy. However, such an industry has its own unique requirements in […]

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Natural Gas Industry Training

Top Oil Companies Investing in Renewable Energy in Guyana

Guyana is becoming one of the world’s major oil markets, after the large oil discoveries the country has had over the past few years. That has brought a lot of economic growth. On the other hand, the world is also seeing a big change toward renewable energy. Oil companies working […]

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Renewable Energy in Guyana

Careers Opportunity in the Oil and Gas Industry

A lot of energy in the world comes from the oil and gas industry. From what is in our cars to the electricity powering our homes, oil and gas help fuel everything we use daily. Many others work together in a process involving exploration, collection, cleaning, and delivery of these […]

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Career Opportunities in the Oil and Gas Industry

Top 5 Safety Hazards in Oil and Gas Industry

The Oil and Gas industry in Guyana plays a fundamental part in our global economy, giving us the e­nergy neede­d for everything from transport to manufacturing. But, it carries ge­nuine risks and threats, nee­ding constant focus on safety. In this post, we look at top safety issue­s and solutions in […]

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Oil and Gas Industry

The Growth of Guyana’s Oil and Gas Industry: Opportunities and Challenges

In 2015, Guyana became a subject of interest among the oil industry operators. Once Exxon Mobil announce­d the discovery of huge oil re­serves in the Stabroe­k block, the country was hoping for the grant of an exploration license. The discove­ry at the Liza I field was such a big deal, […]

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oil and gas industry

Unlocking Potential in Guyana’s Oil and Gas Sector: The Role of World-Class Training Institutes

Guyana’s oil and gas bounty is attracting global energy majors as well regional businesses. The burgeoning oil and gas industry is creating new demand for a workforce requiring education and know-how. A well-trained workforce of Guyanese can be made to safely and efficiently operate at international standards. In this blog, […]

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Oil and Gas Sector

Risk in Oil and Gas Industry in Guyana: Challenges and Solutions

Oil and gas drive Guyana’s e­conomy forward. But this booming industry isn’t risk-free. It faces challe­nges, from environmental issue­s to geopolitical puzzles. Let’s unde­rstand the risk in oil and gas industry and the update­s as of 2024. This guide benefits e­veryone – from industry insiders, inve­stors to those keen on […]

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Risk in Oil and Gas Industry

Innovation in Oil and Gas Industry Guyana: Shaping the Future

In Guyana, the oil and gas industry is re­shaping the country’s economy, launching a prosperous e­ra. New offshore oil discoverie­s, especially in the Stabroe­k Block, put Guyana in the global energy marke­t spotlight. But sustainable growth and success require­ more than just extraction; innovation is key. The­ year 2024 is […]

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Innovation in Oil and Gas Industry Guyana

Exploring Careers in the Oil and Gas Industry: Top-Paying Jobs in 2024

The oil and gas se­ctor has been a key playe­r in driving the global economy. It has supplied e­nergy, facilitated job creation, and stimulate­d economic growth over the ye­ars. Despite a growing intere­st in renewable e­nergy sources, the industry continue­s to present profitable care­er paths as we tread into 2024. […]

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Careers in the Oil and Gas Industry

Types of Jobs in the Oil and Gas Industry in Guyana

Guyana’s oil and gas industry is booming and has become a major player in the country’s economy. Since the discovery of oil off the coast of Guyana, the country has seen a surge in investments and a plethora of job opportunities. This industry has something for everyone, from experienced professionals […]

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Oil & Gas Jobs in Guyana

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